Abandoned Tumultuous Flamingo

by Sari Wathington
*Disclaimer this is purely for fun

Isolophobia (eye-so-loh-FOE-bee-uh)

If you have isolophobia, Iā€™m sorry, but everyone left while you were reading our news.

Isolophobia: a morbid fear of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored.

Phonophobia (foh-no-foh-bee-uh)

If you have Phonophobia I am happy to let you know, we are starting a school band.

Phonophobia: a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of sound.

Zoophobia (zoo-uh-FOH-bee-uh)

If you have zoophobia no need to worry we are getting a class pet.

Zoophobia: intense, overwhelming fear of animals.

Sari Wathington

Sari Wathington is an 8th grader at the New School of San Francisco as well as the greatest reporter. He is also the funniest person at the school. He has many talents. He is also British. He is very opinionated and those opinions are probably right. He is also the best gamer if you disagree with any of this, keep your incorrect false opinions to yourself šŸ˜. In addition he despises brain rotted children. He is the best goalie and four square player. He has zero ops and is very cool. He can also be forgetful.


A Dozen Ambivalent Eggs